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Java 是Oracle和/或其关联企业的注册商标
In this section, you will create a new ASN.1 Module in the ASN.1 project we previous created.
MyHTTP DEFINITIONS AUTOMATIC TAGS ::= BEGIN GetRequest ::= SEQUENCE { header-only BOOLEAN, lock BOOLEAN, accept-types AcceptTypes, url Url, ..., timestamp GeneralizedTime } AcceptTypes ::= SET { standards BIT STRING { html(0), plain-text(1), gif(2), jpeg(3) } (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL, others SEQUENCE OF VisibleString (SIZE(4)) OPTIONAL } Url ::= VisibleString (FROM("a".."z"|"A".."Z"|"0".."9"|"./-_~%#")) myRequest GetRequest ::= { header-only TRUE, lock FALSE, accept-types { standards { html, plain-text } }, url "www.asnlab.org", timestamp "20121221121221Z" } END
Next Section: 打开ASN.1编辑器